This is a day for a moan, I'm afraid. I just want to say I'm now kind of annoed at Dorothy Perkins. Basically, I ordered a product offline, and when it came I realised it was the wrong size. So I tried to get on my account and it said Password Incorrect, so I tried it again, and after three more goes they deactivated my account, which was fair enough. I emailed the customer services who were pretty prompt in sending me a reply and unlocking my account, whilst showing me a link to reset my password. I thought all was well, except when I went on the website again, typed in my details, and it claimed there was no account for this email address. I got annoyed, becasue without this I couldn't get a return slip offline so I could post the item back, so I decided to go to preston, my nearest city, only to find that they closed the store to weeks ago.... So, I'm officially piffed off! After much deliberation, baring in mind that the dress was on sale at £10.00 with £4.00 p&p, it's not like I've made a huge loss, so I think I'm just going to edit it a bit, maybe take it in, or turn it into a skirt and top, something like that. So watch this space, when in a few months time I'll do a Before and After blog. Moving On..
For once, I haven't actually read this months edition of Vogue, so I cant do my normal little summary on the cover girl, which is a shame, but I have had so much to do I have barely got on here, let alone had time to read the big V. I shall try to read it cover to cover before the next blog, but I have to say I'm not promising anything.
Also, just got some rambling to do about This Months Wardrobe Piece. This is a new feature I'm trialing, where I'm going to see if I can have a random box down the side of the page with my picks for the month, depending on the weather, of course, which probably means it'll only be useful for those of us Up North, as it seems like a different climate from the rest of the UK. At least its not raining (she says). If I can't have a little side box, I'll just stick the picture and information on the bottom of the blog, but it would be quite cute to have a little feature. The weathers been kind of cold in the North West of England, so the shorts have been left firmly at the back of the cupboard, so this month I've had to pick something a bit warmer than usual for mid April, but still...
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